martes, 5 de marzo de 2019


Resultado de imagen para arquitecta gifI am 25 years old, I live live in the city of Zacatlán and I´m an architect and I work in a very important company.

I´m working on the preparation of some plans for some houses.Some of the things that I can do in my job is that I can be practicing my skills, also be drawing the plans for the houses, put into practice my creativity.I can also be learning new things every day and be meeting new people every day.

Resultado de imagen para puntualidad gif
Although there are also things that I can not do, such as talking all the time with friends or co-workers or watching television during work hours. Punctuality is also important so I can not be late for work.

Other activities that I can not do either is to be shouting in the office, it must occupy a suitable and moderate vocabulary; In the same way, I can not run through the corridors either, since we must have a correct behavior.
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Despite this I like my work and I am very satisfied with what I have achieved.

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